PrototypeIf you think this is explosive, wait until they have a working battery size model that duplicates
everything these new silicon/graphite hybrid anodes can do. The rights for this tech will be
astronomical. I still feel it might be cheaper for the bigs to buy them outright before the whole
thing gets away from them. On the other hand, as an investor, the longer they can hang in
and keep developing towards full commercialization, you have the equivalent of an absolute
mega multi bagger. Someone said what they have is like the Holy Grail for the EV industry and I
don't think that is an overstatement.
What is beautiful here is the working partnerships in research and manufacturing. This gives
support to continuing devlopement right into commercialization. No only have they got a
disrupting technology, they've got the right connections to make it happen. They are even
researching more efficient battery stable electolytes so the innovation is all encompassing
and ongoing.
I sold way too early based on prior experience dabbling in venture stocks but still managed to
keep a good %age for all the reasons I've stated above.