RE:where the phouck off girl Suzi Q ? I like her but not a lot Johnny, you not take your meds today?
TheKingpin1 wrote: she has to quit tellling people to get phoucked....I forgive her and pray for her......that is an unkind and unchristian thing...she is unahppy , I get it...but still, DO NOT GO AROUND TELLING STUPID PEOPLE TO PHOUCK OFF....maybe you are right but still, let us have some decomum but yet again, you see the animalistas of the canadians. ...a people gone so bad their women folk are complete destroyed and decimated and sort of vile....But hey...let us forgive and forget....
You are all in a pickle heck of a pickle.
the sadly educated criminals of the north, so ashamed they would be, by their very own grandparents, and then you have the interlopers, the communists from other countries, invading them, telling them what to believes......
.one heck of a pickle as I said.
criminal gangs who have taken over their country you have no idea you dumb bunnies. This is the way it took place in Venezuela most recently You kind dumb bunnie people.
So help me, I pray for all of you on this mesasge board...this group of communists who think they are gonna exploit and get over on the people and president of the Congo.
no way JOSE.