RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:The Market Herald Interview whith Lewis Blackchizzles wrote: lonade wrote: Deliberate or not...TSX is not the future of Almonty.
It is good to have the listing on the TSX since it paves the way for the listing on the ASX.
TSX was simply one of the first steps in the evolution of the company.
But the recent years have shown that Canada in general
has no more significance for this company. The real backers of this company are in the US, Europe and Asia, as Lewis has stated.
So I would imagine a delisting once we list on the Korean Exchange or even earlier, should it bring absolute no added value for the Korean application.
US, Germany, Australia and Korea is our future
I could be wrong, but I actually don't find that the volume has been any higher in Germany and the US (especially the US) over Canada as far as shares traded per day. And with the population of Canada vs US and Germany, isn't there actually better volume out of Canada?
I don't think its as much about the volumbe on the exchanges in those countries but rather where the money to the company (for financings) is coming from
USA: Plansee Group (Also Europe based)
Germany: DRAG. Most fiancings the company has in place now are with European firms
Canada: I think Dundee was the last one to do a convertible dibenture but that was years ago
In any case I agree that if the plan is indeed to leave the TSX it will not be anytime soon. . .