You Gotta LaughEverybody and i mean everybody is talking green these days and every vehicle maker is talking how many new EV's will be hitting the road and then you have buses and planes and boats and trains but, ..................................... they just are not putting together that you need copper to make this happen. The price per pound of copper is trading like this is no big deal. It is trading like there will not be a deficit anytime soon or even in the future. This metal will just show up on the shelves of all the companies that need it. It will be like magic!!!
The day of reckoning is not far away now and when this starts to sink in to the markets the price of copper will fly.
Even if I was not an owner of IVN I would have to admit that revenge of the miners is not far away.
You have to be patient as sometimes you are in the perfect stock but just a tad early, and that's exactly where you want to be.
The sheet is going to hit the fan soon enough and let's see who has a chair when the music stops.