Forget the tax poolsNobody has ever made money investing in companies because of the tax pools. I bought Ath because the assets, when oil recovered, were worth a lot more than 11 cents a share. I've made way more money investing in companies that PAY taxes. It's a sure sign of success. Giant tax losses? A sure sign of colossal misteaks. Or at least way overpaying and bad timing. I've seen many, many successful companies buying companies with huge tax losses but I don't recall them ever being valued for much more than 10% of losses and often the buyer gets them free for buying the overpriced assets that generated all those losses. Make no mistake. ATH is a high cost producer as are the others with big tax losses. With oil over $50 ATH is a cash flow beast due to enormous operating leverage. That's why I still own it after a 9 bagger already. Forget the tax losses they have and if you have a huge capital gain because ATH doubles, again, forget the taxes you might have to pay when you sell your ATH. It's a sure sign of success and beats the fawk out of tax loss selling to create your very own tax losses.