RE:MASSIVE HYDROCARBONS IN PLACE - shorts are done.....Hiddensecrets, your ludicrous comments show how dangerous it is for experts like JG to spout half-truths and partial info....
Nowhere in the "interview" does JG ever say that any rocks are "filled with oil". The shows don't even cover all the rocks. The shows are present in intervals from a few meters to 10's of meters thick.
Nowhere in the "interview" does JG refer to resistivity logs. Resistivity logs respond to the fluids contained in the pore spaces in reservoir rocks. If the rocks have decent porosity and the fluids have a high oil saturation (there is always bound water in the linings of the pores, oil saturation depends on the size of the pores) the resistivity is high. Source rocks typically have very low porosity and permeability - oil does not flow through source rocks. The oil is "squeezed" into adjacent layers of porous rock and then migrates.
so reading JG's commentary, he talks about source rocks and reservoir rocks interchangeably. It's unclear whether there is any "free" oil, the exact nature of the shows is not described.
Lets be clear, I never said management is hiding material information, I'm saying they don't have any material information. If they did they would have to release it. The only reason Stock Exchanges sometimes allow material information to be withheld is if there are compelling competitive reasons - like an upcoming land sale adjacent to the wells. Recon owns all the land, so is there is no competition. If there were underground rivers of oil they would have to release it!!!