RE:Grades matter . So do supercylcles juniorbullalive wrote: As Red Deer can attest from his troubles advancing in grade school ,mining companies profitability is all about grades . Amazingly most modern day mines , with their 200 tonne capacity trucks , produce copper at a rate of about .2% per tonne . so the 1 to 2 % copper grades at Kombat have huge implications for profitability and as a result share price .
Hey Junior BULL__and WHAT Matters EVEN MORE IS the QUALITY of the RESOURCE
There are Basically THREE Categories of RESOURCE Estimates__PROVEN, INDICATED and INFERRED__with the PROVEN Category the MOST ACCURATE and the INFERRED Category being the WEAKEST. For WhatEver Reason all Previous Management and the Current Management HAVE DECIDED to NOT SPEND the $$$$$$ to DO the FURTHER INFILL DRILLING Neede to MOVE the KOMBAT Resource Estimate FROM the Marginal INDICATED Category INTO the PROVEN Category.
Management HAVE Decided to Try to GO INTO PRODUCTION with JUST the INDICATED Reserve Estimates__WHICH means There IS MORE RISK than there WOULD BE with Higher PROVEN Estimates.
Having ONLY the Marginal INDICATED Reserve Estimates at Hand_with Less Certainty and thus Higher RISK__VERY LIKELY Could be Making it TOUGHER for JED to Obtain the Required START UP Capital__ESPECIALLY on FAVOURABLE TERMS for We Share
Holders eh ??
This IS Pretty Simple to UnderStand__IF a Potential Lender is Looking to INVEST__and is presented with a Project WITH Proven Reseve Estimates__Compared to a Project with ONLY Indicated Reserve Estimates__