The newly discovered deep Kavango Sedimentary Basin.....Words are changing somehow..... they previously referred to it as Kavango Basin only.
ReconAfrica is currently drilling ahead on the 6-1 well, anticipating reaching total depth on or before July 11th. Immediately after reaching total depth, ReconAfrica will commence logging and coring operations designed to maximize hydrocarbon recovery. These operations will be conducted using Schlumberger technology.
About ReconAfrica
ReconAfrica is a Canadian oil and gas company engaged in the opening of the newly discovered deep Kavango Sedimentary Basin, in the Kalahari Desert of northeastern Namibia and northwestern Botswana, where the Company holds petroleum licences comprising approximately 8.5 million contiguous acres. In all aspects of its operations, ReconAfrica is committed to minimal disturbances in line with international best standards and will implement environmental and social best practices in all of its project areas.