SX THAT SP POPS & FLOPS UP & DOWN BUT STILL CONTROLLEDJesus if I was a noob investing this stock would send me on the wildest ride.... it is being daytraded and it is being held down while the Brokers day trade this. @29- @335...those are big swings. Just be careful if you try to swim with the sharks. My best advice if you add on the super low dips as the sharks take the sp down ..........OR OR just sit like a FOX.!!!
IF you are locked and loaded......make sure you ALL have your shares up on the sell block PREVENTING THE SHORTS from borrowing shares NOT up on the sell block. SUPER HIGH or super low .....make sure you have an exit strategy!!!!
Do not invest in any stock unless you have an exit strategy...... That exit strategy may change over time with great NR"S ...BUT BUT you must always have your entire portfolio up on the sell block!!!
Always have an exit strategy for EVERY INVESTMENT!!
KK GOOOOD MORNING SX....lets play ball!!!