Fibb, Weir jumped to conclusions on a hunch his EESU lab experiment would revolutionize the solid state battery industry. He became the laughing stock of the Century.Clifford bought into Weirs delusions willfully and blindly squandered millions of dollars from hopeful investors/supporters trying to monetize a lab experiment.
What is to say Clifford doesn't get fooled again? Dincer has a lab experiment, that is not commercial POL. A <photo> of a souped up blue shipping container with no convincing demonstation is not proof of life, maybe it is more smoke and mirrors.By the way how many bets did you lose for vehemently defending the success of Weirs lab experiments which never amounted to a can of shite? You say FP & NCA are building commercial POL, time will tell but if recent EEStor history is any indication we may be in for aother can of shite v2.0