RE:He is no longer caught in the Trap.will any Ivanhoe Investor support me on this initiative?....We can easilly set up a NON TAX PAYING 501c not for profit corporation. We will pay ourselves appropriately, like the canaidan socilaists love to do, and we will then do the first thing good in our lives we have ever done: care about the kids and poor people of the Congo. We can picket Bobby Friedland, and all the billioaire Canaidan investor base of Ivanhoe, and force the company to fork over a huge chunk of its assets and shares, OR ELSE....WE WILL DO THE FIRST GOOD THING IN OUR no canadian on this message board, in the past 6 years, has ever said a SINGLE WORD, about the starving kids of the Congo.
I say we make a change, fight the communists of Canada. Let us start an non profit to lobby Ivanhoe and Bobby to give the 15 million half starved kids a chance.
Remember, there is an easy way, and there is a hard way.
This is the easy and honorable. There is a hard way, and the Pon yresident of the DRC is talking about it................dream on you explotive canadian communists, but your dreams will be dashed.
Who is with me to start this non profit corporation to fight and picket Ivanhoe and its communist canadian Exploiters?