TSXV:CLAS.H - Post by User
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HighSkies2019on Jul 10, 2021 10:08am
Post# 33526482
Shares Owed For Debt !!!
Shares Owed For Debt !!!I see a friend of a friend losing their sh.t on another board ..but they do have valid questions which can be answered ..yet still with a pause ... ..not sure if anyone realizes that stockwatch has some xtra nr compared to sedar ... 4/15 and 06/07 nr are re shares for debt which has been cleared by the sec and Claritas will advise when they will be issued in a nr....6.8m and 700k approx if I remember correctly....these shares along with shares to Salzman I think they are waiting to do the rs then announce... due to this long dragged out process has faithful investors losing interest and questioning the expertise of mgmt and the company's past history ....I think they are waiting to get tax rebate in house...lisence for Pah and firm start date of clinical trial ..rs complete....along with hopefully more such as a new drug authorization and govt FDA or UK pass ....all in hopes to announce together to run the sp up ....so for me I will hope that starting this week we will see something in place to stay on track with clinical trials to be completed b4 yr end ....if not I will piggyback on my new best friends with upset....but due to this long process I keep hoping there's a relationship happening .... this is imo...glta