RE:Am I the only stockholder on this board that listens to the I think there were many stockholders who listened, but there was little new material. The presentation was to reassure investors that the management was still trying their best to enhance shareholder value.
That said, the fortunes of the company have not been stellar. This does not mean Nexus is out of the game, but their luck has been hard. So I would venture the opinion they have hit bottom and they know it. It's going to be a long haul for them now, and instant riches or the chance of a lucky strike seem remote at this time. They are going to have to earn their money in a step-by-step fashion one day at a time.
The only thing that might save them from earning their daily bread from painstaking work and a careful eye on their budget is the price of gold spikes.
I think that is the story here.
take care
Robert McCoy