New hire André Mech
This new hire reminds me of Dennis Zogbi the consultant EEstor hired to make their illusive supercapacitor sound legit in the gazillion dollar capacitor market. It all flopped.
So FP gets a hired gun an "expert" who will advise Clifford how to get into the Carbon-free Ammonia space. How does anything in the following PR give investors confidence, that before this hire, Clifford even knew what the hell he was getting himeself into? It sounds to me like Clifford was at a total loss of insight and direction into CFA.
..said Ian Clifford, CEO of FuelPositive. “His expertise is already helping to guide us as we make critical decisions about the technologies we choose to develop and our market entry strategies. His analysis of our first product – carbon-free ammonia – is providing valuable insights into where and how we can have the most impact, looking at it sector by sector. He is also conducting due diligence on a possible new acquisition and providing counsel on the best way forward regarding carbon credits.” Every word here shows Cliford is still very much a delusional man, imo.