AION NICE CLOSE 12.50% GAVE PEEPS A GREAT CHANCE TO LOAD UPI ACTUALLY STOLE ANOTHER 10K @.075 on Friday..... MEI luv my AION COOOOKIES!! I saw the open, that 500K @08 got GOBBLED in a blink of an eye this morning. So, I knew the day was gunna end KABOOM! 12.50^% up I'll take that ALL DAY LONG!!
This is ground CONTROL as in ground FLOOR you either believe AION will execute better medical options for breast cancer OR you move on!! But there is a real story....just like when solr was @.05 small growing company with a great story to tell. Simple dimple.
NO spikes for dang sakes nice easy slow climb. Brokers brought the sp back down under @10 to LOAD UP!