Hoy MackeralWhat a bunch of drama queens .....some of you should be ashamed.
Every summer we get the summer doldrums where volume dries up (ours is so tepid
compared to where it was just a month ago) and prices drift lower. No conspiracy
no lack of leadership just everybody gone to the beach ,cabin or local tavern.
This is not rocket science and is so predictable yet people talk as if it is something new.
In sail days crossing the equator was always a trying time as there is no wind and with
no wind in your sails you could never predict when the current would push you beyond
them. We are there and the will most like end in six weeks unless people react to there
she blows as the barge is launched. This will be a very sacred event as we really need
the drill reuslts she will deliver.
As barge captain I am in great need of a quartermaster to reward further persistance
of questioning Tim and others doing their jobs. Take names but take no prisoners.
Take names so we may reward such scalleywags by walking the plank at the point of
a broad arm or perhaps to dance with John Ketch.
Six weeks or less is not that long to wait unless you are under the Jolly Roger IKE