Re my post July 12 10.15 PM.
The only thing in that post I would correct is that the Nasdaq delivered too soon on listing QIPT. There are lots of moving parts in a plan and when sequencing the individual pieces, things can often go awry. But the fundamental story never looked better, even during the plunge to $6.80 and lower Cdn, - noting particularly, that the company raised a substantial amount of cash with the warrants to add to the oodles of cash already on hand and, - Crawford and Mehta had plenty of time to scout only the choicest acquisitions. Hell, most of us wondered what they were doing all this time! For that, excuse our impatience.
Yes, QIPT plumbed quite a low, but to have the” balance right adjusted,” I would expect a similar excess, topside. These technical imbalances are like a flaw built into to the process, -only able to work themselves out by a similar madness on the other end of the run. As added explanation I refer to that old saying, “It runs in the blood like wooden legs.”
So I’m raising my call on the upside from $10.00 to $12.00.