Fosterville vs Keates/Golden Joint/LottoFosterville has reserves of 2.1 million ozs (21.8 g/t) with an AISC of ~$291 USD/oz. At today's gold price that is $1534 USD profit/oz or $3.22 billion USD profit/deposit.
If Keates/Golden Joint/Lotto is the same that is $3.22 billion USD profit divided by 168 million shares = $19.16 USD/share (~ $24 CAD/share). This calculation does not include other Fosterville-like deposits which will be another $24 CAD/share/deposit.
There are reasons why most NFG shares have already been locked away. I fully expect more big investors to stake out positions as time goes by. Kirkland Lake for one is exhausting Fosterville reserves at a rapid rate and will require a replacement depost ~5? years down the road.
Yes, we could use such a big investor right about now. Recent history says they are waiting at $9.46/share. Our shorter friends should not be greedier than that.