What were the questions Wolf?This is a complete dumpster fire and it's only going to get worse. I lost $40000 in three weeks with this duck and have a major call did tomorrow. I am going to lose many shares because I went in for more margin at $2. I have to revise my oil price predictions based on how poorly the stock is doing. I have an eerie feeling that Clearwater is a mud pit based on the metrics of this slide. Here are my share price predictions based on how the stock has performed.
$70 - $2
$65 - $1.75
$60 - $1.50
$55 - $1.25
$50 - $1
Anything under $50 means a penny stock.
I will answer any questions and engage in discussion. I just don't see any catalysts for growth. Even in earnings are a bonanza the most we get is ten percent to the upside, that is still under $2.40 at these prices. The sell posit was $2.58, this could get nasty in the next stretch of summer. Buy in May and go away seems to be happening here.
All the nonsense about 1.3 million a day wears thin because at that clip that's still many years to pay off the debt. The only thing that matters is the share price and it's not doing very well right now. Something is seriously amiss. Two year as of $70 oil won't move the stock, only increases in the oil price. For those unrealistic investors who think $3 is in the cards that's going to take $85 to $90 oil.
BTE is a lemon and and if ends up below $2 it won't be worth it in the end. Just a mirage, all smoke and mirrors.
I will answer your questions Wolf (aka Eric Nuttal). You have never answered mine if you are a shareholder and have never disclosed how much skin in the game to have.
I bet my life savings on BTE and it does nothing but disappoint every single time.
I own about 100000 shares and need $5 to break even. I am down $300000. Probably going to need to sell some 15000 shares because of margin requirements.