RE:RE:RE:What were the questions Wolf?Hoover, decades and decades ago my initial passion (before business) was Med Science/Psychology.
Based on my many years of both business and investing...I think what I have seen is that typically only longs suffer this degree of torment. Shorts...well they know the risks and typically accept them along with flippers or short-term investors.
Longs get emotionally attached it's a part of their while I won't pull out the ink blot pages and ask for interpretations I will provide a different perspective.
I have a long time friend and will tell his story. Imagine your grandkids are on the wrong path. Sometimes due to something the parents did in the past and sometimes a result of things out of the parents control. As a grandparent it can torment you as you don't have control of the process or situation nor ability to impact change. You love the grandchild and will never give up on the hope that things can improve. Its not always easy to break that attachment even if you feel the odds of change are slim...but you never lose hope.
The response from Unlucky was the first glimpse I got into what he is looking for...someone without a vested interest wouldn't waste their time in my opinion. For instance I would never get that kind of response from Deepblue.
That said knowing our positions are not that far down debt, buyback, dividend, look for good hedges versus locking in now for additional potential upside ...I will continue to communicate how daily progress aligns with these shared goals. While my positivity sometimes drives people crazy that's can't change people.
I feel much better going to sleep tonight. I always believe no matter how old or how much you think you know there is always more to learn.
Have a good evening everyone