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I would say... NDM didn't srill in the right areas.
3 main humps.
Now ask.... can a smaller hump create a larger hump ( outcrop ) ?
Of course not.
Without thinking - folds or folding ( seismic )
And, replacing this ideology with - volcanism.
Then... i would say the largest outcrop - is the main source and created the other two
smaller outcrops -
Not crazy about the coordinate - n,s,e,w
i would have prefered a map with north facing up.
but nontheless, i would target the larger hump ( drill ) and run the strike path south to north
largest outcrop to least largest.
hoping the volcanic flow amassed as the larger outcrop and overflow created the other 2 outcrops.
I can see the south portal is not nessisarily - a steep incline.
And if gold was being chased in a vein - i would have to say, the bein is lateral no steepy diipping.
Could this be a pattern ?
Could there be more lateral veins ?
Would the current trenching support this theory of - lateral veins eminating from the larger outcrop ?
What if the - nose zone - is not a nose zone but ratehr a portion of a later vein - that runs say, westerly ?
The main mine entrance -
we can seehow the former miner tapped the middle formation - outcrop.
Yet if one closely analyzes the map on page - 55
i myself see the main larger outcrop and 3rd outcrop ( nw ) are the most promient.
these two i fele are highly related - while the main entrance of mine ( middle smallest outcrop ) is the sidekick/
I see a derfinite relation between largest outcrop and 3rd outcrop as same system which suggests a strnger system than the main entrance mine ( middle outcrop smallest ).
Thing is... NDM should have ran the drills westerly - going into the larger system to see if this is the emination and source of gold.
Just an opinion.
I'll shut up now
Perhaps i'm right, but then again , maybe i'm wrong.
Sometimes it's good to offer an opinion.
Keeps the junior on their toes.