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Baytex Energy Corp T.BTE

Alternate Symbol(s):  BTE

Baytex Energy Corp. is a Canada-based energy company. The Company is engaged in the acquisition, development and production of crude oil and natural gas in the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin and in the Eagle Ford in the United States. Its crude oil and natural gas operations are organized into three main operating areas: Light Oil USA (Eagle Ford), Light Oil Canada (Pembina Duvernay / Viking) and Heavy Oil Canada (Peace River / Peavine / Lloydminster). Its Eagle Ford assets are located in the core of the liquids-rich Eagle Ford shale in South Texas. The Eagle Ford shale covers approximately 269,000 gross acres of crude oil operations. Its Viking assets are located in the Dodsland area in southwest Saskatchewan and in the Esther area of southeastern Alberta. It also holds 100% working interest land position in the East Duvernay resource play in central Alberta.

TSX:BTE - Post by User

Post by BayStreetWolfTOon Jul 16, 2021 9:04am
Post# 33558394

EIA report on renewables...Coal use increasing???

EIA report on renewables...Coal use increasing???What about the billions dumped into renewables...remember that "clean and cheap" energy push. Well not really it won't fuel our current needs...straight from the "Green" IEA. When do the fossil fuel people say...told you need us long-term. All time record coal??

"Fossil fuel-based electricity is set to cover 45% of additional demand in 2021 and 40% in 2022.Coal-fired electricity generation, after declining by 4.6% in 2020, will increase by almost 5% in 2021 to exceed pre-pandemic levels. It will grow by a further 3% in 2022 and could set an all-time high. After declining by 2% in 2020,gas-fired generationis expected to increase by 1% in 2021 and by close to 2% in 2022."

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