RE:RE:Pure StupidityUnfortunately the tools used to ignore or ban posters become useless when the system is probably being abused by orchestrated lobbying one's book on finanicial websites by seemingly unscrupulous people. It appears like they aim to overwhelm any financial website forum or bullboard by using many poster names in the mailroom, so even if you ignore any ot them, they keep repopping up endlessly. When any seemingly organized lobbying starts on the forums with usually an overwhelming amount of new posters or reactivated poster names, it takes away from the democracy of any financial websites to tilt mood or sentiment in their desired trading direction. It seems quite obvious that tilting the sentiment through emotional posts gnaw away at those tyrying to keep a forum or bullboard in order. Perhaps, any of these orchestrated lobbyists that seem to do this already know that they can wear people down to give up so that the lobbyists messages occupy most of the forum's message most of the time. This seems like a lot of effort to effect sentiment. Wonder why this seems to happen so much?