Always follow the data. Win together lose together Deepblue our OVV is sucking the straw on the manure truck.
I know you probably won't believe but since June 30th (I track my stocks month to month) OVV is actually one of the worst performers near the bottom. From small to mid to large check my list.
Rank/Ticker/Jun30 to today % decline
1/WCP -8.6%
2/TVE -11.3%
3/BTE -13.0%
4/MEG -13.2%
5/ERF -13.5%
6/CVE -13.8%
7/ATH -16.3%
8/OVV -17.1% (were nailing it huh?)
9/CJ -17.8%
10/VET -18.8%
11/CPG -24.1% this one is horrible yikes
Anyhow we wait for OPEC but remember oil closed at $71.45 and these companies are making big $$$'s at this price!