BBDB859 wrote: Hey Jim.
You're at it again, are you?
Since you like coloring in yellow. I'll color your post in yellow as well. So maybe then, we'll start to understand eachother better.
The actual, exact LTD current debt, is $7.332B. I didn't know that wanted it good, to three decimal points. But that was the exact amount as of the time of my post. It may have changed by now, I don't know, I haven't looked at it, since I've posted on it. Next time I'll post it to 3 decimal points 4 u.
Now as for the cash on hand. I know it's a little confusing as to why it is closer to $3.4.
You say they have $2.1B cash. Yes they could get to the $2.1 point range at some point in the very near future. Because they'll use some of the $3.4B to pay off some existing debt with the new assumed debt for 2026, that they just took on in a new placement.
But right now as it exists it is closer to $3.4B. Unless you want me to go, and ask Bombardier to give me their bank book, so I can verify it for you. That's what they have in hand right now.
Here is why? -They have $1.4B Cash from reserves. (remember the $0.400B cashburn).
-They had about $0.6B left over from the BT receipts too.
-They did a JBD Issue for $1.2B recently due in 2026. (
which they still have the cash on hand to use towards buying the balance of the $0.514B left for 2022 & $0.533B left for 2023 remaining to discharge.
-Remember that they also took $ 0.510B, in an offering, and they'll settle with that Bond Holder's breach complaint for $0.250B slowly as well. But they'll still have $0.261B left over from that Private offering.
So total on hand right now is $1.4B + $0.6B + $0.261B + $1.2B=
$3.46B left in their hands right now. So from above. $3.46B - ($.514B + $.533B) = $2.41B - the $.250B (for that bond holder when the settlement time comes) and
VIOLA (there it is) $2.16B left over.
Now they'll $2.16B left after they settle their affairs.
Sorry I had to spell it out arrogantly, like that. But that is how the real story unfolds, and we're not that far apart.
So again from above. In summation You say LTD is $7.35B and
I said $7.3B but it is
exactly $7.332B
And then.
You say that in your estimation the cash on hand is $2.1 and
I say, Yes
it will get to $2.16 after they end up using the cash to pay a couple LTD's, that are still outstanding on the Junk Bonds. Ya, there are a couple of stragglers, so we keep their cash on hand for when their turn comes to be paid.
As for Net Debt by my calulation
they should be closer to $4.956B where as you came came with $3.9B??? I guess you misread my post, or sometimes posts, get a little confusing, when posting, because I don't want to spell out every detail calculation here, because it takes too long.
But if you need exact numbers, to three decimal points in the future, then you could just private message me, and I'll be happy to show my calculations.
Jim99999 wrote: You need to check your numbers. If they have $7.3B debt and $3.4B on hand, that suggests a net debt of $3.9B. We can only wish.
By my calculation, LTD is currently ~$7.35B, cash on hand is ~$2.1B, and net debt of about $5.25B
**N.B. My calculations include the previously announced redemption of the Mar 2022 bonds(~92M) and the previously announced partial redemption of the Oct 2022 bonds($475M), both of which close on July 22.