like America's, there is no doubt whatsoever that your elections are fixed. I can spell this out in detail, but remember, as major international crimes go, the Big 3 are 1. War Crimes, 2. Genocide 3 Election Fixing. ....and the 3rd is generatlly now, in this the internet, the precondition for the first 2.
Your elections are completely fixed. Do you know the manufacturer of your election machines, do you know the software inside, the maker? Do you think Fidel's son or Hunter Biden will tell you?
Do you think, in the interest of openness and honesty, that any province in Canada will do an Arizona Audit? LOL.....Do you think the invaders to your country will sign a petition to do arizona quality audits (true audits) any time soon? LOL.....
You kids and grandkics are gonna be chop suey labor units, as your country goes dark. They got for the children, btw, pursuant to plan.........remember the Hitler Youth. As Nancy Pelos of Californai said in an open mic moment, "we go for the kids. We get them while they are young." I heard her say that.
The great president of the DRC a priimary Christian people, must fight the communists. or it is lights out for his people, and then he just like all the rest.
Here is Canada in 10 years, especially when the obscene bubbles pop, yoiu have no idea of the probablle chaos. America is in a massive box, layering on more debt, more scams ans they have lost their government. Completely lost it.
the future is not far away, when this collapse starts, and right now we are at 1929 or year 2000s bubble highs. ...............far worses