INTERESTING - PICS Here's a few pics
( discovery lake out crop + escarpment / shelf ) fringing - 20 man camp -
Now, isn't the A zone trenching above the mon mine - would it be in this valley area ?
right click the picture in another window and really zoom in - this valley area just off the small escarpment intruiges me - especially if the trenching is in this area carving out ores around high points - and in a valley - ha.... makes me wantot see the trnched out gold all the more - i wonder if this is the nuggety gold spoken of in the 43 101 ?
This photo below also intruiges me.... Again open in another window and zoom in.
I'm seeing 3 types of strata layers on the Discovery outcrop in back scene.
A deep dark strata at bottom
A mid zone strata
And a topper strata.
And.,... what's so appealing ?
I'm seeing rounded rocks burried with in the strata - rounded rocks = most often points to
watershed sediments - 3 phase deluge.
Would be nice to see a younger team member strap a rope and harnass on wrap around a few trees and scale the outcrop - collecting samples in each strata layer - all open face - easy to read the geology and know what happened long ago - amazing picture - a an ope nwindow into the past.