RE:RE:Great dayHaven't you learned that for every Seller there is a Buyer?
It's just that on some days the Buyers will only Bid at a Discount to the Last Trade,
and on some days the Sellers will only Offer at a Premium to the Last Trade.
Willingness to accept that Low Bid, (by the Seller)
or reach for that High Ask, (by the Buyer)
is a 'sentiment' thing that the crowd/market determines
...on an individual by individual and tick by tick basis.
In the bigger scheme of things, the 'market' is attempting to reach a valuation of this Company which can only be determined after some long term supply contracts are inked in one of it's business lines, and then manufactured and sold
..and then we can see how the numbers work to the bottom line.
Working backward from today's MktCap of $800 million, If we give a P/E of 30 (growth story) then PYR needs to 'earn' $27 million. ($800mm/30)
If the 'margin' is 50% then the sales have to be $54 million.
If the margin is smaller...say 30%, or $16 million (30% X $54mm)
...and if Mr. Market only attributes a 15 multiple
...then we get: $16mm X 15 = $240mm MktCap.
Or about 1/3 of where we are today.
And so we have us a market...
StairwayTo wrote: You love these days??
You love when your investment goes down 50%
Best time to buy, you will never see these prices again.
You must have bought at $11, $10, .... and all the way down to now, and still saying keep on buying? People are not buying right now, they are selling
Winston123 wrote: For adding more shares. When your outlook is long term you love these days. Maybe next time the whiners will keep some dry powder handy. Ahhh. Probably not