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Trigon Metals Inc V.TM

Alternate Symbol(s):  PNTZF

Trigon Metals Inc. is a Canada-based exploration and development company. The Company is focused on copper and silver holdings in mine-friendly African jurisdictions. The Company has operations in Namibia and Morocco. In Namibia, it holds an 80% interest in five mining licenses in the Otavi Mountainlands, an area of Namibia generally recognized for its high-grade copper deposits, where the Company is focused on exploration and re-development of the producing Kombat Mine. In Morocco, it is the holder of the Silver Hill and Addana projects, highly prospective copper and silver exploration projects. The Silver Hill is a 16 square kilometers (km2) property located in the Anti-Atlas region. The Kombat Mine is located in the Otavi Mountainland on the Northern Platform Margin of the Damara Orogenic Belt. Its Kalahari Copperbelt Project includes a substantial land package in Namibia with primary Exclusive Prospecting Licenses (EPLs) covering 280 km along the strike of the Kalahari Copper Belt.

TSXV:TM - Post by User

Post by harleymonster1on Jul 20, 2021 8:21pm
Post# 33579547


People ........the sooner you all put this FLEABAG on IGNORE the better..... Just a real idiot of the boards......but most of all........... Born to be a FOOL
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