Bac0ns Take So many people just say words without any understanding of what they mean.
Why don't these people just try to actually learn things instead of pretending?
truly depressing to see people would rather play the role of an investor, as opposed to actually becoming one..
these are the Instagram "models" of the investing world, whether it's people pretending they understand how the market works. Or pretending they understand the technology behind bitcoin. Most voices both on this board, and even on TV.. have no clue what they saying
"bitcoin should convert away from PoW Into PoS"
-idiot on Bloomberg who's name isn't important enough to remember.
"Id rather own bananas instead of bitcoin, at least I can eat bananas"
-Mark Cuban (before he also became a pretender)
"Hive has a lot of institutional buyers"
-Greendaze. This statement is backed by nothing.. organizations buying bitcoin.. means nothing for hive. Who barely mines bitcoin compared to the competitors.
like.. why.. why do all these people put so much time and effort into pretending. Instead of just using that time to ACTUALLY LEARN.
There's a reason my Investor account has the balance it does. I spent years learning and accumulating.. over and over and over...
be someone who learns. Not someone who pretends.
*sips scotch*