juniorbullalive wrote:Screww off and go ruin ruin some other board you brainless twits ( same person with all ) Stockhouse is uesless at filtering out this trash - 

Hey Junior BULL__There ARE a LOT of Other Posters out there on MANY Other Boards Who ALL SHARE Your FRUSTRATION with this PLAGUE of TROLLS.

BUT__BEST Just GET USED to THIS__Much Like AIDS and Likely COVID These NASTIES WILL Remain__There WILL NOT BE the EraDication EVERYONE would HOPE FOR eh !!!!

And StockHouse HAS BEEN SomeWHAT ACTIVE on This__I Have Been KEEPING TRACK and Over JUST the Past Few Years SH HAS ERADICATED Almost 4 DOZEN of These MULITPLE USER IDs.__BUT it is Just LIKE the WHACK the MOLE Game at the County Fairs__AS SOON AS Any Are TAKEN DOWN__a NEW ONE Immediately POPS UP out of
the Rotten HOLES They LURK IN.