V2O5 in LCE batteriesAwarded and kha, I believe that the information supplied by the company indicates that LGO is going into the VRFB BUSINESS in a big way and that their plan involves moving to use what is now their current total V2O5 production for their batteries (by 2026 : 1,400 MWh = c 29,400,000 lbs V2O5). Today's announcement of the appointment of Ian Robertson, with his green energy background, to be president of LCE as well as assuming the co-chairmanship, along with Alberto Arias, of the LGO BOD is another strong indication of LGO moving in that direction. Increasing V2O5 use in batteries by LGO and other entities, should have multiple beneficial effects on world wide V2O5 markets and $/lb, and opens up LGO to explore greater production and at the same time proceed with iron ore and Titanium development.