It must continue to press the same Management issues
While the company continues to make progress with its clinical work, our management issues have not changed. I've raised this a few times since the board vote. Inevitably that leads to leads to folks rationalizing their board votes or criticizing others for theirs. Our work is not done. We must press management year round on the following issues: (1) we need to have board of members who play an active role in advising the company and expanding our reach. We should be pressing year round on building the board. (2) We need a board that invests in the company. It's patheticThe number of shares some board members own. Some startups actually pay their board members in stock. Not sure if it works in this situation but I like the idea. You get the point. (3) A plan and resources for engaging existing and potential shareholders. Shareholders. Here, I see some progress in trying to attract new shareholders. I'd be interested to hear from some of our larger shareholders about how they are engaging you and other institutional investors. SPCEO has created a weekly report card and I commend him for keeping that going. Not sure if there's agreement on my list or better ideas, but I think such items could easily parlay into regular measures so that we could determine progress and discuss how best to press management. These core issues will not not go away until they are made a priority by shareholders, board members, and management and worked on everyday while the folks in the labs do their job.