RE:QAnon or Fox News?This is exactly the problem with these people, unless there is a corpse rotting in their living room, they are conspiracy theorists. Even then they will say that its not a rotting corpse but a house guest who refuses to leave. Until one of their own family members actually dies then they are full on board with the fact that COVID-19 is real. Ask any New Yorker and it does even take 2 degrees of separation to actually know people who have died. I bet people in India and Brazil would disagree with those flat Earth Morons on Fox News! This is why Trump is still popular and that becuase those who drank the cool aid refuse to admit they are wrong. That is exactly why then General Eisenhower got all the Nazis to clean up the concentrations camps cause otherwise they would not believe it. Dont be ignorant of history and the realities around you just becuase it does not suit your mindset.