supply/demand equationwhatever the cause of V2O5 $US 9.50 @ Europe, be it the current production reduction, delivery turmoil in South Africa or future VRFB battery worldwide production, the real question for LGO is how long it will be ranged about this number. looking at LGO profitability, if direct mining costs are c $2,50/lb and all other are expenses c$2.00/lb, ie, $50,000,000, then LGO would be netting $5.00/lb or $US130,000,000 based on annual 26,000,000 lbs Maracas production. CAPEX and other expenses and accouting issues come in to play, but this is starting to bring Lee Coopermans evaluation several years ago that the money created should have he company looking at increasing stockholder value by either dividends or stock bybacks. so far, there has been only lip service from Mark Smith and Paulo Misk. a special dividend or starting quarterly dividends seems to me most likely.