RE:RE:RE:Rig Mobilization for #4 well... Even though DME are four-for-four, each well has learnings for the company. In this instance, it was the first well that was drilled so deep, which may partly explain the reference to "deepen understanding of specific geological formations environments". Rohlfing in one of his recent interviews in passing mentioned that wells 5 and 6 may not have been the sweet spot for porosity (though I may have misheard), which demonstrates how their thinking regarding the geology is always evolving....
What's kind of weird is that there is still no mention of wells 1 and 2. The original plan had been to test well 4, and then go back to 1 and 2. But oddly no mention of wells 1 and 2 so far. It may not be a big deal, but one possibility is that they're pondering a different approach. Perhaps they're very confident about well 4, and, given its close proximity to the production facility, they will only start with one well (which could be a particularly big earner if there is indeed helium-3). That would also free up funds if--and im guessing here--refining the helium-3 required additional processes (and thus investment). Anyhow it's all quite curious...