RE:By the way Executives gave themselves big fat bonuses after screwing over investors. Brilliant!
We expose these F'rs! Can't wait for the fun to begin!
wyndewest wrote: I can't remember how much the Prometic investors had to pay for the 'rights offer' extended by Thomvest? The Prometic shareholders were left with nothing after the reverse split of 1 for 1000 shares BUT Thomvest owned by Peter Thomson of the Canadian billionaire family gave them a 'Rights Offer' so they could continue to partipate in the great science left to them by Prometic and to be operated under the new name Liminal. I think they had to pay in the range of $12 to $15 Can dollars to participate? WOW! some offer with the shares now trading at under $3.00 USD. They really have lost twice under the management of Peter Thomson. They must be so miserable.