JinFein wrote: STEELE2 wrote: You seem to be on a mission of late to prove insider trading now !!! amonst other things. If, management was to be trading on news wouldn't they have to selll!!!! For public record it shows they have "NEVER" not one director has ever sold a share. Let the record speak for it self "sedar" : Not a single share sold on any currant director. Please get your facts straight before making unfounded comments. Your credability is questionable to say the least, move on thank you.
If that is the legal advice you have received on insider trading, then next time you speak to your lawyer maybe check that their professional liability insurance is up to date
Section 57.2 of the Securities Act, the section on Insider trading, tipping and recommending states:
(2) A person must not enter into a transaction involving a security of an issuer, or a related financial instrument of a security of an issuer, if the person
(a)is in a special relationship with the issuer, and
(b)knows of a material fact or material change with respect to the issuer, which material fact or material change has not been generally disclosed.
ie: buying shares on information that others do not have is insider trading
Personal attacks on my credibility are fun and all, but if you really believe in the company and its leadership how about responding to the facts instead?
Ignoring inconvenient facts by attacking those who bring them up makes it clear that the company has no intention of addressing serious issues, which is affecting the share price