Bobby Friedland does business with the devil of courseHe is talented that is a fact, a LEFTIST all of this is so fine but all of you are ignoring one very simple thing: THE CONGO WILL NEVER GO COMMUNIST
the communist LEFT which has taken over the wack jobs and invaders to canada
will never take over the Congo....NOT a CHANCE....THIS IS A CLEVER USE ME i USE YOU RELATIONSHIP...
just like the immigrants are using canadians in their hojme town....this guy alvarez....he is a littl e commie............there are millions more just like him..............and we in american want to ship these phouckers up to all of you: Will each of you, take into your homes, just 3 migrants for the next decade?/////////////////...........if you wont, you are r a c i s ts and alvarez this slime will call you that in private...............
Canadians: = money grubbers 100$%.
The canadians are a shot people, moral degenerates and we will wall you all in, you have no idea....AMERICA WILL FENCE YOU BOBB Y FRIENDLAND PHOUCKERS IN..........wall you all in...........while you make money with your communist pals....and the reason you do this is very easy: you are broke.......Financially destitute people have no morals.......they may think they do but communist literature proves the point...Their men and women will do things in the back alleys..........sick things, but hey, that is what the deserpate pathetic canadians are.....they will do anything.......
.I cannot wait till the Christian president of the Congo, lowers the boom on you pathetic commies...and trust me, he already said this about a month ago....You communist back alley Justiin peopel are gonna get what is coming to you. Each and every day, globalist boy from singaore, pours money into the infrastructure....guess what the congolese people are thinking?