RE:RE:RE:Hey Blunty QH is obviously a well-respected geologist. I have other stocks in which he is involved, including another CTGD in Nevada. My only issue with QH, is that he tends to hype all the projects in which he is involved: they are "all great" prospects when he talks. You can clearly see this in his Crescat videos.
You really have to do your own DD and not rely on someone like QH alone. I have both made and lost money on some of his projects.
You are clearly down on NGE management, and with some valid points. However, junior exploration is not for the faint of heart, and Carlin exploration even less so. A bonafide Carlin discovery is one of the biggest prizes in the industry, so all the "easy" discoveries have already been made. Now, this type of discovery takes major geological theory, talent, perserence and luck. AND, of course, a boatload of $ to drill deep. The days of pointing a drill at an outcrop are long gone.
If you are a long time holder looking for an exit point, you can use this small bump to recover some funds. However, if you have been in this long, you can also wait it out to see the latest round of drill results. This way you benefit from all the years/decades of exploration work conducted to date. As I said before, the reward to risk ratio now is fantastic for longs.
IMO, NGE is now a short term speculation. No longer do you have to wait years to see results. This years drilling will be the truthsayer. Discovery or no; this summer should reveal.