Huge uptick potential likeJones Soda just threw their hat in the CBD soda ring for almost a triple on mentioning a beverage.
They know soda and have a facility but I'm not sure about IP and rapid onset and offset that seems to be a pre-req for THC versions.
So far they are interested in CBD infused, which I personally think is going to be a bigger revenue generator than the THC versions unless the THC versions get a grip in the bar scene. CBD shows a lot of promise for health effects like anxiety, sleep, pain and relaxation and I could see myself ordering a CBD beverage in the bar, probably after I've had a THC infused bevvie or two.
Lots of patients seeking out cannabinoids for relief from word of mouth because the governing bodies won't allow you to promote health effects until proven, nevertheless consumers are finding their way to these products.
So much unexplored potential like weight-loss which is a huge selling point for bar patrons because the THC instead of the alcohol comes with few calories or sugar.
I think NU could do an energy drink with some of their magic from blueberries and a little CBD or they could use the CBDG that gives you the non-munchies, apparently.
Sign me up! Somebody is going to do it and the fat market is huge, no pun intended!
glta and dyodd