Read the News ReleasesRead the NR for the last 10 years. New project, best in class opportunity. New money comes in and then the same. Nothing ever happends. I believe why no large caps companies even look at the this project is because they can not trust the data. They would have to redrill the resource to verify the data. The cost would be expotentional to the sale price. 3 times the resource has been recalculated all downward. Ask yourself why Cumo has not drilled the idaho property. Cumo has a new engineering firm recalculate the old data, not new data. Chain of custody might be an issue? But what can't be disputed is that everytime new money comes in, expenses go through the roof. Consulting fees on old data that has already been paid for. Look at thd data if you think I am wrong, the only difference a new project was announced.