I did an early morning perusal ofthe hot new beverage guys JSDA and it looks like they ran out of steam and fell back a little.
Caught some late day love and up again! Not much volume though and they are just a flash in the pan idea right now with a lot of work to do to even get close to where Tinley is.
Not to be discounted as down for the count though as they are getting a pretty strong push from HeavenlyRX and have C.SOL prodding them on. SOL, I understand brings some cannabinoid expertise and I think they are decent money managers who have dipped in to Captor for shares and doing a buyback of their own shares.
Beverage experience, money, know how with marijuana and hemp and motivation. Sounds like it might be worth a little mad money on a pullback.
Tinley is way ahead of Jones imho but has been looking lethargic lately with our diminishing shareprice.
We are so close to some numbers and hopefully black ink!
glta and dyodd