NTP and Skidie LCE announces 1st VRFB contract with ENEL on 20 July with caveat that NTP (notice to proceed) would come within 180 days or less. ENEL granted that notice on 30 July, 10 days later, which makes me think ENTEL was ready, willing and enthusiastic to sign on.
Skidie: unless LGO Has some Vionix technology to reduce V2O5 in the battery, the LCE VRFB batteries require 9.89 tonnes V2O5 per MWh storage. The ENEL battery is 5 hour 6.1 MWh , which after multiplying 6.1 X 9.89 tonnes = 60.329 tonnes, multiplied by 2,205 lbs/tonne gives 132,925.345 lbs of V2O5/V2O3 in that one battery. That explains why LGO, if it succeeds as planned in building their VRVB business over the next 5 years, could then use their entire V2O5/V2O3 projected annual production of 13,200 tonnes or 29,106,000 lbs in their batteries alone. Their total number of battery sales, assuming similar 6.1 MWh per battery or adjusting depending upon customer needs, would involve c220+/~ total battery sales for LCE that year. If all of this should come about, LGO and many other entities would be in a bid hurry to obtain other sources of V2O5 to meet supply for other battery manufacturers, steel applications, aerospace and special alloys, chemical industry and I don't know what all.