PERMITTING - Decided to read up on the permittingprocess for a mine in, Canada.
I then decided to dive into Bravehearts Bull River project and it's permitting.
Right out of the gates i noticed,
Bull River has a - 1,000 tonne per day mill.
Above grade stockpile = 165,000 tonnes.
I then decided to check to see what sort of permit was in the works ?
What was required ot spark up Bull River ( all facets )
- dry stacking, etc....
If there's 165,000 tonnes above grade
Mill that can process - 1,000 tonnes per day
= 365,000 tonnes per year.
Again.. .the stock pile above grade is only
= 165,000 tonnes.
Which points to -
why would Braveheart want to apply for a permit to increase the milled ore tonnage per day ?
Obvious answer would be = jet set ready for the ore tonnage below grade = 565,000 tonnes
BUT... wouldn't it be more opportune to -
simply focus on the - stock pile - permtting ?
Perhaps just this alone - stockpile - would clear far faster than, trying to increase the tonnage permitting ?
Then... funds from - 165,000 tonnage above grade ( stock pile ) could be applied to...
= Thierry - a far larger project with far more copper tonnes.
I've read that some of the ores atop the stock pile show far higher copper grades.
Yet... if one were to take a modest approach and run with a 2% grade
what would it translate to ?
165,000 - stockpile tonnage
x .02%
= 3300
x 2200 ( copper pound conversion ) ( 2200 lbs per tonne )
= 7,260,000/ pounds( Cu ) ( gold + silver credits omitted )
If memory serves - theformer video i posted - mentioned Braveheart might fetch
= $500 per tonne ( NET PROFIT ) ( all mineral credits - gold, silver, copper )
165,000 tonnes ( stock pile )
x $500 ( concetrate net profit )
= $82,500,000 - million - net
Could the current permitting ( increased tonnage ) be moreso an obstacle / preventing Braveheart from starting the Bull Mine operation ( above grade ores ) all the sooner ?
Hello, Helllo....
And... could there be an overlooked - carbon black - mineral credit that could augment the overall net prfits - not to mention - ease the waste tonnage ?
If at all applicable - carbon black -
how would the ore sorted handle this - would carbon easily impart from the country rock ?
Carbon does have an inherent - hydrophic nature - maybe it should be looked into ?
BULL MINE - ORE SORTING ( refer to this for additional info )
In my minds eye....
if they already have a 1,000 tonne per day mill why - delay ythe project -
the 1,000 tonne per gay mill could easily handle the - sotck piled ores -
165,000 tonnes could be handled with in a years time frame - right ?
In the bul lriver mine desciption pdf above - 2nd link ( excerpt )
The BRM currently holds a Mines Act permit, M-33, issued on August 9, 1979 and last amended on July 22, 2005) and a Waste Management permit, PE-16034, issued on January 26, 2000 and last amended on January 3, 2007. To restart mine operations, BRMC requires authorization to increase the production rate and place tailings.
2 requirements to qualify for - mining.
- increase production rate
- place tailings
I've recently read - braveheart has implemented the notition to address the tailing with drystacking. All good.
But... what's with this increase in production ?
Does this requirement not impede the juniors rights to mine stockpiles to inject easy cashflow ?
Would not a 1,000 tonne per day mill sufficiently handle the 1650,000 above grade ores ?
I would resift the application and perhaps - division - the stockpile fro mthe actual below grade mine ores - this might snip the - tether - from the stalled permitting.
Segragating the stockpile from the mine ores- would leave the stockpile ores as a stand alone operation - which would ceetainly adda robust cash flow to the junior - vs - playing the game of - begging for an increased ore rtonnage permit that seems to have placed an anchor / tether tied ot the overall project.
If Braveheart could expedite the project via = stockpile ores and omit the increase in tonnage which perhaps covers the entire above and belwo grade - then... a good $80+ million could be utilized for perhaps openign the dooors asnd unlocking the value of, Thierry.
Just an opinion.
If i've errored in post - by all means chime in and correct.
Certainly not intenrtional - strictly a post looking out for the junior's best interest.
Why play that increased tonnage game - when just maybe....
Revising the permitting and solely focusing on the ores above grade could be the = KEY.
that unlocks a considerable value.