Patents, prototypes, field testing with private sectorcourt cases because the penaltys are drivers licenses and jobs. Positives for all of those and then it might get adopted by lawmakers as a valid tool for law enforcement.
Jmho, but BLO is working on the go-to science which is Mass Spectrometry currently used for detecting chemicals and such and that science works in the lab and is accepted by lawmakers.
The key to bringing this device out of the lab and to the roadside is mineraturization and making it so a layman can use it properly.
The expectation is for similarity to existing blood alcohol units with the same ease of use and having it function in all kinds of temperature and humidity.
I have thrown out $40 ish as a shareprice target for a working model true breathalyzer simply based on how much the BAC type companies got to.
The time is right for this with more and more legalization happening for marijuana use for rec and health.
I sold most of mine on that last 55% uptick but hung onto 5k shares and I'll be a buyer if it gets really beat down again.
glta and dyodd