Could Braveheart be overlooking themineral potential between each mine level ?
Chasing high grade veins vs all those ores in between each mine level.
Like what if there was quasi style veining all through this orebody ?
Underground mining has to factor in " cave ins ) which prevents the miner from grabbing all the ores -
Which begs....
Could the historical drill fromformer operators reveal the grades in between each mine level ?
What if there was mineral value in all the ores - after all - this conceptualized diagram of the underground workings does suggest a very tight depoist -
Tight deposits can also mean the ore body might have mineral value throughout.
If it did - what would be the overal mineral grade ?
What if it were - .3% - heck...other miners proceed with .3% copper with open pit mining.
Whuich begs the question - should this project be looked at with new eyes and with a potential of, open pitting vs chasing high grade veinds ?
What exactly would the historical drills reveal - is there mineral content outside the veining in the ore body |?
What sort of tonnage would it amount to beyond 5 million tonnes - yeah... take a look at the conceptualized underground workings map - below.
Deposit looks pretty tight - and that might mean -
open pit should be looked at. But... all dependent upon what the historicla drilling reveals.
Heck... Braveheart has a drill below grade - why dont they test the ores between each level - it would tel lthe ful lstroy - if minerals are present be tween each level . That would certainly increase the overall tonnage = big time. Not to mention the resource size if ever proved.
Bull River Mine Underground Infrastructure
The underground infrastructure of the Bull River Mine was established from extensive developmental programs, primarily between 1996 and 2009, which were designed to gain exposure to mineralized structures. The 2,555-meter access ramp leads to 14,050 meters of level development comprised of seven sub-levels at approximately 40-meter vertical intervals1. Including ventilation raises and an escape route, total development work spans approximately 21,000 meters2.
Though the work focused on exploration activities (for sampling, drilling, etc.), allowances were made for the anticipated future mining operations. For example, numerous cross-cuts and sill drifts were established to provide access to prospective mill feed. Also, the dimensions of the existing decline and levels are sufficient for the operation of production equipment. Only a relatively small amount of additional pre-production development is required to bring the mine into operati