$5/share is no pipe dream for MGM but in factis very realistic considering what they have already proved up and what is strongly believed yet to come.
One fact alone, the amalgamation of Maple Gold with Agnico-Eagle speaks volumes. Sean Boyd is very shrewd and very cautious and he must have had very good reasons to join forces with Matt and his team.
I believe we would already have had more stellar results presented to us had it not been for the very real delays caused by slowdowns at the assay labs but that does not change the amount of gold in Maple's digs.
As facts unfold it is IMO going to become increasingly apparent that Maple Gold Mines is one of those rare companies that comes along perhaps once in a lifetime.
The downside on this one is miniscule while the upside is massive as someone has said.
We are very fortunate indeed to be holding shares in MGM. Yes, patience is required but the payoff I suspect will be well worth the wait.
Great good fortune to all!