DRY STACKING Here's a smal lwrite up on dry stacking or waste ores or tailings.
What should be " entertained " is a new methodology of using the milled waste ores and the what if they wewre milled to say, 300 mesh ?
Have hose and air comprressor ?
Simply siphon the milled ores and place bakc int omine as fill.
Indigenous ores that came from ground go right back into the ground filling the mine cavities.
If others don't want ot read my former post - condensed version is -
The current 750/t per day mill perfectly fits the size of remaining resource.
This so called, increase production requirement is in my opinion, silly tether that impedes juniopr, thus, forced dilution whereas junior scrables trying to keep the press releases interesting when al lthat's needed is a permit to kick start the junior.
750/t per day mill = 273,750 tonnnes per year.
this is a perfect fit for the 1.5 - 2.1 million ore tonnes remaining @ 1.5% coper grade.
increasing the production is pountless... the project should be looked at as, a mine resparking back up due to commodity prices have corrected.
That simple.
Perhaps te junior wouldn't have to expend time + monies on Alpine to compensate.
So yeah.... just my own thought, own opinions - not investment advice.
Here's the rpeort on dry stacking - enjpoy....
I still suggest, milling waste ores and blowing them back into mine shafts and cavities is the way the industry should go, far less burocracy with environmental, and that's a good thing.
Will i stay in the stock if the permitting drags... hell no.
I hope the UN mandates haven't yet invaded the Cranbrook area, ugh...
Perhaps B.C. itself should begin taking the bull by the horns, and managing it's own resources without too much guidence from outside sources - and yes.. there's are a few i could mention - but i'll refrain.