RE:RE:RE:RE:Perspectives on Investing in SUWrong. Paying down shares saves a payout of 3.4 percent. A dividend is cash drain on profits By doing share buybacks you are reducing this cash drain and allows you to recycle those profits it on other options like debt reduction which strengthens the balance sheet. I remember my accountings professors talking about it when i got my undergrad in accounting.
Chris007 wrote: Paying down debt strengthens the balance sheet...
However, anyone who spent day in an accounting class knows that buybacks DO NOTHING to strenghten the balance sheet. It merely reduces shares outstanding (treasury stock debited, cash credited)...therefore, technically giving the remaining shares outstanding a "bigger piece of the pie"
Bigbear7405 wrote: Paying of debt and share buybacks strengthens the balance sheet. Giving all the profits to higher dividend is not strengthening their balance sheet. anyone who has spent a day in an accounting class would know this.
PabloLafortune wrote: Buybacks are simply put financial engineering which is putting the cart in front of the horse - its kind of ludicrous that this is Suncor's raison d'etre for the next 12 months Makes you wonder if Wall/Bay street are running the show - we know the mom and pops arent thats for sure. Ask Intel $100B in buybacks later if that served them well? It didnt it was a disaster and everyone knows it. #2, Suncor is lagging all its peers in the past 6 months even though Suncor is recovery leveraged so the environmental argument doesn't hold water - bottom line investors dont have confidence in management eg Fort Hills. Anyway I'll be unloading my shares in the near future and will no longer be posting here.